
Become a Member

Arboretum Associates Program

The Ambler Arboretum Association program supports maintenance, enhancements and programming in the Ambler Arboretum. Through continued development funded by efforts such as this Association Program, the Arboretum serves as a valuable resource educating and inspiring students, community visitors, and corporate and municipal officials to become environmentally responsible, connected to nature, and aware of the historic and horticultural significance of the Ambler Arboretum. Join now and be a part of this exciting program.

Sign up to become a member online or

Download an Ambler Arboretum Membership Form (.pdf)


(Your membership is for one calendar year from receipt of payment.)

All Associates Receive:

  • An Ambler Arboretum Associate membership card.
  • 20% discount on non-credit personal enrichment courses (note: most enrichment courses currently available are related to gardening, plants and floral arranging).  
  • Invitation to our annual Members Only "Dividing Day."
  • Discounted registration fees for Ambler Arboretum workshops and events including the Ambler in Bloom.
  • An online subscription to Better Homes and Gardens or Martha Stewart Living magazines (for new/first time members only).
  • ​**Benefits of the American Horticultural Society's Reciprocal Admissions Program.

​**The Ambler Arboretum is now a member of the American Horticultural Society's Reciprocal Admissions Program. 

This program promotes horticulture across North America, encouraging people to visit gardens and other horticultural institutions.  A current membership card from the American Horticultural Society or a participating institution like the Ambler Arboretum entitles individuals to special privileges and discounts and other participating institutions.

Currently there are more than 300 participating institutions across North America and in the Caribbean. You can find a complete listing of participating institutions here:


What does this mean?

If you are already an Arboretum member in good standing, you will be receiving a membership card you can use to show to any of these 300+ gardens for free admission and other benefits. Learn how to enjoy the Reciprocal Benefits here: https://ahsgardening.org/gardening-programs/rap/?state=PA

If you are not already a member, it is another benefit of Arboretum membership!

Membership levels

  • Student ($15)
  • Individual ($25)
  • Supporters (2 people) ($50)
  • Family ($60) – All of the above, plus:
    • Exclusive invitations to Arboretum family programming.
  • Pergola ($100) – All of the above, plus:
    • An invitation to our Annual Garden Party, Temple Ambler in Bloom, in September.
  • Fountain ($250) – All of the above, plus:
    • One ticket to the Philadelphia Flower Show in March.
  • Bell ($500) – All of the above, plus:
    • An additional ticket to the Philadelphia Flower Show in March.
  • Letitia Glenn Biddle ($1,000) – All of the above, plus:
    • Two invitations to the Flower Show Reception at the Ambler Campus in February.
    • Conwell Society membership, Temple’s premier circle of giving.
    • An additional ticket to our Annual Garden Party - Temple Ambler in Bloom
  • Elizabeth Price Martin ($2,500) – All of the above, plus:
    • An exclusive one-hour garden consultation in your garden by a horticultural expert.
  • Ellen Stuart Patterson ($5,000) – All of the above, plus:
    • A personal tour with the Director of the Arboretum.
  • Louise and James Bush-Brown ($10,000) – All of the above, plus:
    • Director’s lunch in the Formal Garden for you and five of your friends.

Questions? Contact Arboretum Director Kathy Salisbury at 267-468-8400 or .

We process memberships on a monthly basis, please allow up to 4 weeks for your membership to be processed. Thank you.