Faculty Course Grant

Temple University’s University College is pleased to provide funding opportunities to encourage faculty to engage in research and creative projects in their coursework at the Ambler, Center City and Harrisburg campuses. Applications are accepted throughout the year. This grant is intended to highlight the unique learning opportunities and resources of the regional campuses.

Project Criteria

The University College will sponsor this program promoting the incorporation of creative projects and research at Temple’s regional campuses into Temple coursework. Projects should use the unique location or resources of the campus and may be a part of a course section that regularly meets at another campus or the course may be taught primarily at the regional campus.

Eligibility and Guidelines

  • Applicants teaching courses from any discipline or campus within the University may apply.
  • Awards are limited to a maximum of $4,000 per grant. If the regional campus is designated as the campus of record for the course for the first time, the instructor may be eligible for an additional $1,000.
  • Grant funds can be applied to materials and supplies, faculty stipends, and some travel expenses associated with the course or project.
  • Courses that have previously been taught at a regional campus may be eligible for repeat funding.

Application Requirements and Submission Deadlines

Interested applicants should describe the proposed course or course project, resources, and budget. Please download the application here. All materials must be submitted to the Temple University University College. Please direct grant questions and submit applications as a single PDF to Ashley Santosusso at .