About EarthFest

Temple University Ambler Earthfest branding

Explore Citizen Science Year-Round!

How do you celebrate sustainability and the environment while reaching out to students, teachers and residents in a way that will excite them about citizen science and “going green?”

In 2003, Temple  Ambler presented the answer to that question on a grand scale, developing an outdoor, educational celebration of Earth Day — EarthFest!

About EarthFest

As EarthFest turns 20 in 2023, it is always adapting — just like nature — to best serve our students, teachers and families.

Our mission is to provide meaningful, impactful educational experiences for all ages throughout the year. Instead of one day and one event, we invite you to celebrate the Earth at several smaller, student and family-centered events!

EarthFest events are designed to provide more personalized opportunities to interact with our exhibitors and students to get hands-on with citizen science. Join us to stargaze in April, celebrate Earth Day in May, campout on campus in July and explore all life in our woods in October!